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B For Better Health

Mar 25, 2019

Pascale Nakhle is a clinical psychologist that deals with several mental health disorders. She deals with depressive, bipolar, anxiety cases and so much more. She is a mental health advocate and shares a space for healing with her community on social media and her blog.


In this episode we tap into the importance of...

Mar 18, 2019

Pascale Nakhle is a clinical psychologist that deals with several mental health disorders. She deals with depressive, bipolar, anxiety cases and so much more. She is a mental health advocate and shares a space for healing with her community on social media and her blog.


In this episode we talk about how stress can be...

Mar 11, 2019

Ready to discuss one of my favorite topics with you about Sports Nutrition. I collected the questions you asked me on Instagram and answered in this podcast.


Some of the questions include:

  1. What should I eat before and after exercise?
  2. How can I maintain my muscles while I’m on a weight loss diet?
  3. What is the best...

Mar 4, 2019

While juggling so many things in today’s world it’s important to take a step back and evaluate what’s important. Robyn shares with us the importance of taking a moment for yourself and setting up a morning routine. She also delves into one of my favorite motto’s for the year “gentle is the new perfect.
